Advanced LIHTC Compliance (April 14)
Event Description
This full day webinar, presented by AJ Johnson, is intended for senior management staff, developers, corporate finance officers, and others involved in decision-making with regard to how credit deals are structured. This training covers complex issues such as eligible and qualified basis, applicable fraction, credit calculation (including first year calculation), placed in service issues, rehab projects, tax exempt bonds, projects with HOME funds, Next Available Unit Rule, employee units, mixed income properties, vacant unit rule, and dealing effectively with State Agencies. It also includes a full discussion of the new Average Income Minimum Set-Aside. This course also includes a full discussion of major IRS positions.
A unique email address must be provided for each person registered.
Each person who plans to attend/view the webinar is expected to register and pay. "Group" viewing via one registration is prohibited. The login link you receive is unique to you and should not be shared or used by others. Multiple logins using the same link will result in additional registraton fees being assessed.
Ticket Cost: $200.00 - $270.00
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