29th Annual Affordable Multifamily Rental Housing Conference
November 19-21, 2024
Doubletree Hotel/Midlothian
Certificates of Attendance
Certificates of attendance are available upon written request. After the conference, should you require a certificate of attendance, please submit your request via email to help@mid-atlanticahma.org with the subject line, “Fall Conference Certificate Request.” Using the requested subject line will ensure your request is properly routed which will result in a quicker response from us. Your request must include the following information:
  • Your name
  • The email address to which your certificate should be sent
  • A self-certification statement attesting to your actual attendance
  • An itemized list of the sessions you attended (by date) [this is used to determine the # of LIHTC vs general vs HUD hours attended]
Please follow these directions! If all requested information isn’t provided, we will not be able to process your request. Certificate requests should be submitted by December 13th to receive certificates by the end of the year. Requests received after December 13th will have a significantly delayed response time.
Certificates will not itemize the sessions you attended. Rather, as in past years, certificates will provide a breakdown of the number of hours that were directly LIHTC-related (i.e., the total number of training hours will be provided + the number of those hours which were LIHTC-related).
NOTE: Certificate requests are not processed if we have not received full/correct payment of the registration fee and/or if the attendee and/or anyone else in the same company has an open/delinquent invoice for this or any other Mid-Atlantic AHMA event. If an initial certificate request is not processed because of an open/delinquent invoice(s), the attendee will need to verify when payment(s) is/are received and re-submit their request after any/all delinquent payment(s) have cleared.