Tuesday, November 19th Sessions
Tuesday sessions apply to all housing programs (except as noted in the session description)
Successful Management of Affordable Properties - Tips and Best Practices
This training session, "Successful Management of Affordable Properties - Tips and Best Practices," is designed to equip property managers, owners, and staff with the essential knowledge and tools to manage affordable housing properties effectively. The session will cover various topics for maintaining compliance, ensuring tenant satisfaction, and optimizing property performance. Key topics that will be covered include:
  1. Importance of Management Plans:
    • Development and Implementation: Understanding the critical role of comprehensive management plans in guiding the operations of affordable properties.
  2. Written Property Policies:
    • Creating Effective Policies: Steps to develop clear, concise, and enforceable property policies.
  3. Expected Standards of Behavior:
    • Tenant Conduct: Establishing and maintaining standards for tenant behavior to promote a safe and harmonious living environment.
    • Staff Conduct: Defining professional standards for staff interactions with tenants, colleagues, and external partners.
  4. Fraud Detection and Prevention:
    • Identifying Fraud: Common types of fraud in affordable housing properties and red flags to watch for.
    • Preventive Measures: Implementing internal controls and procedures to prevent fraudulent activities.
    • Response Protocols: Steps to take when fraud is suspected, including investigation and reporting procedures.
By the end of this 1.5-hour training session, participants will:
  • Understand the importance of detailed management plans and how to develop and implement them effectively.
  • Create and enforce written property policies that support the smooth operation of affordable properties.
  • Know how to establish and uphold standards of behavior for both tenants and staff.
  • Gain skills in detecting and preventing fraud, ensuring the integrity of property management operations.
Hot Topics That Aren't HOTMA – Part I
This training session focuses on current and relevant issues in property management that are outside the scope of the Housing Opportunities Through Modernization Act (HOTMA). Designed for property managers, owners, and staff, this session addresses four critical areas impacting affordable housing operations: assistance animals, medical marijuana, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) requirements, and handling the death of a resident, especially those living alone. By the end of this training session, participants will:
  • Gain a thorough understanding of verifying the need for assistance animals and implementing compliant policies.
  • Understand the complexities of dealing with medical marijuana in the context of affordable housing and develop appropriate policies.
  • Be familiar with VAWA requirements and best practices for supporting residents affected by domestic violence and related issues.
  • Learn effective procedures for dealing with the death of a resident, ensuring legal compliance, and providing community support.
This training session is ideal for property managers, owners, and staff involved in managing affordable housing properties. It is particularly beneficial for staying informed on current issues affecting property management and tenant relations.
Hot Topics That Aren't HOTMA - Part II
This training session is a crucial continuation of our exploration of pressing issues in property management. It delves into three critical areas that significantly impact the day-to-day operations of affordable housing properties. Aimed at property managers, owners, and staff, this session covers resident rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), proper handling of rents and fees on LIHTC properties, and dealing with and preventing sexual harassment. This knowledge is essential for maintaining a safe and supportive living environment in your properties.
By the end of this training session, participants will:
  • Understand residents' rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act and how to comply with its requirements in tenant screening processes.
  • Gain knowledge of best practices for handling rents and fees, ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory standards.
  • Learn how to develop, implement, and enforce policies to prevent sexual harassment and effectively respond to complaints, fostering a safe and respectful community.
This training session is ideal for property managers, owners, and staff managing affordable housing properties. It is especially beneficial for those seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in handling sensitive and critical aspects of property management. Join us for this engaging 1.5-hour session to deepen your understanding of these essential topics. Learn practical strategies to ensure compliance, protect resident rights, and maintain a safe and supportive living environment in your properties.


Hot Topics That Aren't HOTMA - Part III
This session is the final installment in our series, a crucial platform for property managers, owners, and staff involved in affordable housing management. This session delves into contemporary fair housing concerns related to using artificial intelligence (AI) in property management, a topic of increasing importance in our industry. It concludes with an open forum for discussing various fair housing issues, providing participants an opportunity to share experiences and seek advice on specific challenges. By the end of this training session, participants will:
  • Understand the applications and implications of artificial intelligence in property management, particularly concerning fair housing.
  • Recognize potential biases in AI systems and learn best practices for ensuring compliance with fair housing laws.
  • Gain insights from peers and experts on various fair housing issues through an open forum discussion.
This training session is ideal for property managers, owners, and staff involved in the management of affordable housing properties. It is particularly beneficial for those interested in understanding the intersection of technology and fair housing, as well as those seeking practical solutions to fair housing challenges. We aim to equip you with the knowledge and tools to ensure fair and equitable management of your properties. This is an interactive workshop with presentations, case studies, and an open forum discussion. Join us for this informative and interactive 1.5-hour session to enhance your understanding of fair housing concerns related to artificial intelligence and to engage in meaningful dialogue about broader fair housing issues. Gain practical knowledge and collaborate with peers to ensure fair and equitable management of your properties.
Wednesday, November 20th Sessions
Track A Sessions
Don’t Fight It! Embrace Your Natural Talents to Resolve Conflict
Discover how your natural talents shape your approach to conflict resolution. Gain insights into your default style and learn how these can help or hinder dispute management. Interactive activities and discussions will guide you in developing strategies for better conflict outcomes and improved team dynamics. By leveraging your unique abilities, you'll achieve more constructive resolutions and foster a harmonious work environment.  [Instructor:  Jason Boron]
60 Marketing Ideas in 60 (90) Minutes
Looking for ideas to jumpstart in your creativity in marketing, leasing, resident retention and more? This session is for you. Lisa will give you tested, proven ideas that are guaranteed to:
  • Lease More Apartments
  • Retain More Residents
  • Improve Customer Service
  • Delight Your Maintenance Team
  • Create More Energy with Your Staff
And all for exceptionally reasonable prices! She'll also provide you with the sources to buy any materials she suggests, so you'll be able to purchase whatever you need to move forward from the session!   [Instructor: Lisa Trosein]


Virginia Housing Compliance and Asset Management Regulatory Updates and Helpful Tips for Maintaining Program Compliance
The informal session will provide Agency updates and perspective on the latest updates affecting compliance monitoring in our changing industry and helpful tips for property operators to manage and maintain program compliance with the Extended Use Agreement and Loan Agreement. [Panelists:  Neal Rogers, Director of Rental Compliance & Asset Management; Erica Etterling, Rental Compliance Support Manager; Ginny McGee, Sr. Compliance Officer; and Kelly Roper, Asset Manager
Self-Compassion, Empathy and Grace: Arming 21st Century Game-Changes for Career Success
Self-care is not selfish. In fact, professionals who safeguard their own self-care are more likely to recognize and respect the same priority in others. In this session, Dori looks specifically at self-compassion, empathy, and grace as keystones to balancing service to others and wellness to self. Participants will engage in a variety of exercises, prompts, and breath work dedicated to that end. Come. Take care of you. [Instructor: Dr. Dori Bryan-Ployer]


Track B Sessions
Understanding HOTMA's Impact on LIHTC Income Determination
The Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act (HOTMA) has introduced significant changes to HUD programs, greatly affecting income determination for the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Program. This 1.5-hour training session is specifically tailored to provide property managers, owners, and staff with a comprehensive understanding of these changes and their direct implications for LIHTC residents. The session will cover key areas such as definitional changes, revised income exclusions, and new requirements related to student financial assistance, all of which are crucial to your roles in the management and administration of LIHTC properties. By the end of this training session, participants will:
  • Gain a thorough understanding of the definitional changes related to income under HOTMA and how these changes impact LIHTC income determination.
  • Be able to apply revised income exclusions in tenant income calculations accurately.
  • Understand and implement the new requirements for student financial assistance in income determinations, ensuring full compliance with HOTMA.
This training session is ideal for property managers, owners, compliance officers, and staff involved in the management and administration of LIHTC properties. It is particularly beneficial for those seeking to understand and adapt to HOTMA's recent changes. [Instructor: AJ Johnson]
Understanding HOTMA's Impact on Dealing with Assets in LIHTC Projects
The Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act (HOTMA) has introduced significant changes affecting how assets are handled in Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) projects. This 1.5-hour training session will provide property managers, owners, and compliance staff with a thorough understanding of these changes and their implications for asset management in LIHTC properties. The session will cover new asset exclusions, the "$50,000 rule," new imputing rules, handling "non-necessary" personal property, and the implementation of the new "jointly owned" asset rule.
By the end of this training session, participants will:
  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the new asset exclusions under HOTMA and how to apply them.
  • Learn how to implement the "$50,000 rule" in their asset management practices.
  • Understand and apply the new imputing rules for asset income.
  • Identify and manage "non-necessary" personal property within the context of LIHTC projects.
  • Implement the new "jointly owned" asset rule in compliance with HOTMA requirements.
This training session is ideal for property managers, owners, compliance officers, and staff involved in the management and administration of LIHTC properties. It is particularly beneficial for those seeking to adapt to HOTMA's recent changes in dealing with resident assets. [Instructor: AJ Johnson]
Current Hot Topics in the LIHTC World
The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program continues to evolve, presenting property managers, owners, and compliance staff with new challenges and opportunities. This 1.5-hour training session, "Current Hot Topics in the LIHTC World," will delve into the latest issues affecting LIHTC properties. Topics will include dealing with the Available Unit Rule on Average Income Projects, understanding the Vacant Unit Rule, navigating post-Year-15 requirements, and an open forum for discussing general LIHTC compliance issues. By the end of this training session, participants will:
  • Gain a thorough understanding of the Available Unit and Vacant Unit Rule and how to apply them effectively in LIHTC properties.
  • Learn best practices for managing the transition post-Year-15, ensuring ongoing compliance and tenant protection.
  • Have the opportunity to actively engage in discussions and seek solutions for your specific LIHTC compliance issues in an open forum setting. This interactive element of the training session is designed to encourage participation and engagement, ensuring that your specific concerns are addressed and that you leave the session with practical solutions.
This training session is not just beneficial, but essential for property managers, owners, compliance officers, and staff involved in the management and administration of LIHTC properties. It is particularly beneficial for those looking to stay informed about the latest issues and best practices in LIHTC compliance, and to equip themselves with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively manage LIHTC properties. [Instructor: AJ Johnson]
Issues Relating to the Management of Layered/Mixed-Income Properties
The development and management of affordable rental housing is a complex process that often necessitates combining multiple programs to ensure feasibility and success. While the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program forms the foundation for most affordable rental housing, it often requires additional support from other programs such as HOME, Section 8, Public Housing, and the Rural Development Section 515 program. This 1.5-hour training session will introduce participants to the intricacies of managing layered/mixed-income properties, highlighting common pitfalls and providing essential guidance for effective management. By the end of this training session, participants will:
  • Gain a thorough understanding of the rules and regulations of various affordable housing programs and how they interact.
  • Learn to identify and avoid common pitfalls in managing layered/mixed-income properties.
  • Develop practical strategies for ensuring compliance and effective management of properties utilizing multiple funding sources.
  • Have the opportunity to discuss and seek solutions to specific challenges in an interactive forum.
This training session is ideal for property managers, owners, compliance officers, and staff involved in the management and administration of affordable housing properties. It is particularly beneficial for those managing properties funded by multiple programs and seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in navigating complex regulatory landscapes. [Instructor: AJ Johnson]
Track C Sessions
EIV in the New HOTMA Environment
As we near the end of 2024, the HUD affordable housing industry continues to tackle routine compliance obligations amidst the ongoing implementation of HOTMA. In doing so, it is imperative that housing managers identify and understand how their property's EIV monitoring tasks and report usage was uniquely impacted by HOTMA.  In this session, Jenny will discuss how both mandatory changes and discretionary options selected during the EIV policy revision process now dictate how and if managers will use certain EIV reports in the verification process for recertifications.  She will also discuss how HOTMA guidance triggered changes to when and if certain reports continue to be utilized.  Join us for this important session designed to ensure your EIV practices correctly align with your modified HOTMA EIV policies.        [Instructor:  Jenny DeSilva] 
HOTMA-centric MORS
The ongoing implementation of HOTMA changes the landscape of MORs, depending on when these MORs are scheduled and what that property's unique TRACS 203A implementation timeline may look like.  These factors likely result in an added layer of anxiety for housing managers being notified of MORs - whether these are performed by HUD or Contract Administrator staff.  Jenny will help participants differentiate between those categories of tasks that can trigger MOR findings and those that only warrant observations being issued pursuant to HUD's written guidance.  This will aid managers in prioritizing preparatory tasks and give them the confidence to ensure a favorable outcome.   [Instructor:  Jenny DeSilva] 
TRACS: The Required Ingredient for HOTMA Implementation
HUD's HOTMA Notices have outlined the unprecedented shifts in eligibility determinations, calculation logic, and recertification procedures introduced with HOTMA.  In order to fully incorporate these changes, extensive software edits are required on HUD 50059s and 50059As.   Once a new TRACS 203A Specification is released, 30,000 + properties must update their TRACS compliance software to the new version.  During this session, Jenny will outline how these records will change and most importantly, what is HUD's current implementation timeline to enable the industry to accomplish this update by the deadline of December 31, 2024.  (Note:  Content in this session will be updated to reflect if any changes to published deadlines are announced by HUD). [Instructor:  Jenny DeSilva] 
Communicating with Residents Regarding HOTMA
Changes at this level are scary.....for both managers and impacted households.  Effectively communicating HOTMA changes to both your in-place and applicant households is a crucial element to successful implementation.  The message is also not the same for both groups.  Selective and deliberate word choice matters and increases the likelihood that the message is clearly understood.  Delivery that incorporates reasonable accommodations for disabilities and/or modifications for those with Limited English Proficiency are equally important.  During this session, Jenny will provide tips and recommendations for how to craft written notifications to households that are both accurately worded and easy to understand.  When must these notifications be sent and how?  What topics should you cover?  Do you know and understand what discretionary procedures your property has opted to utilize that dictate what is relayed?   Join us for a productive session that will ensure your message is clear and helpful versus vague and confusing to those reading it. [Instructor:  Jenny DeSilva] 
Track D Sessions
The Touring Trifecta (with some marketing thrown in)!
Learn how to create the best possible tours for your prospects through in-person, self-guided and virtual touring situations. Not everyone is great on camera, so let Lisa give you tips and techniques to make your tours the best they can be. "Best of" virtual tours will be shown and you'll have time to give feedback on what you like (or don't) about making these tours the best. She will also give you an equipment list as well as a supplier list to help you make your tours the best. [Instructor: Lisa Trosein]
Understanding Human Trafficking: Insights for Housing Professionals
In this breakout session, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of human trafficking and its intersections with the housing industry. As frontline providers, housing professionals play a critical role in identifying and addressing potential trafficking situations. This session will provide valuable insights into the signs of human trafficking, the vulnerabilities that traffickers exploit, and the unique challenges faced by victims.

Key topics will include:
  • Recognizing indicators of human trafficking within residential settings
  • Understanding the vulnerabilities of specific populations, including low-income and marginalized groups
  • Legal and ethical considerations for housing providers in reporting and responding to trafficking cases
  • Best practices for creating safe and supportive environments for residents
By the end of the session, attendees will be equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to enhance their role in preventing human trafficking and supporting victims within their communities. This session is essential for property managers, housing authorities, and other professionals committed to fostering safe and inclusive housing environments. [Panelists: Patricia Danner, Tanya Gould, Shamere McKenzie]
Using Creativity in Your Leadership Style
Creativity is not just for artists and performers. Everyone can benefit from utilizing their “right brain” in their daily work. Dori takes her students through various exercises that challenge traditional problem solving methods that enhance troubleshooting skills. [Instructor: Dr. Dori Bryan-Ployer]
Cyber Awareness: Building Your Cyber Defense Kit
Cyber Criminals are everywhere and preparing your employees with a Cyber Defense Kit is key to preventing breaches and cyber-attacks from taking down your organization. Cyber Awareness starts with our employees being informed of the threats and understanding how to respond properly.  [Instructor: Angelique “Q” Napoleon]
Thursday, November 21st Sessions

Track A Sessions

Emergency Action Planning & Crisis Management

All employees, regardless of how much experience they might have, need to be aware of what is required when dealing with various emergencies. Crisis management is vital. OSHA mandates that emergency action plans be taught to all workers as part of a company’s required documented safety training program. Key Elements and Outcomes:

  • Mandatory OSHA EAP requirements
  • Why an EAP is so important to your company’s overall safety program
  • How to assess, evaluate and/or prepare your EAP in advance of a crisis or event
  • What to do before, during, and afterwards and more...[Instructor: Scott Ployer]
NSPIRE After Year One!
After 2 years of anxiousness waiting on the arrival of NSPIRE, we now have a full year of NSPIRE being the inspection standard for REAC. Is it what we thought it would be? What are the biggest changes to the inspection protocol with the implementation of NSPIRE? What are the biggest differences between UPCS and NSPIRE? Let’s take a look at how the first year went and what we might expect moving forward. [Instructor:  Dan Gould]  [Instructor:  Dan Gould]

Track B Session

HOTMA Hot Topics
Please note, this extended session is not a repeat of yesterday's HOTMA-related sessions.  Rather, this session will be further segmented into more focused discussions of how HOTMA impacted three key areas of rental calculations - Income, Assets, and Expenses.  Jenny will identify the major changes in each category to be aware of, what discretionary options exist for owners to consider for calculation methodologies, and what elements of the regulatory changes are prompting clarification requests or questions from the industry about interpretation.  Again, content in this session will be updated, if and when any additional published HUD guidance or FAQs are released in advance of the class. [Instructor:  Jenny DeSilva]


Proposed Changes to Criminal Screening Initiatives 
HUD is currently soliciting industry comments related to significant changes to criminal screening practices at HUD communities.  Historically, these rules identified who was not permitted to move into assisted housing and receive assistance, but afforded owners latitude with regards to timeframes and how certain categories of crimes were evaluated.  Now, with the introduction of several state-level laws being passed, some owners are having to accommodate restrictions on timeframes and classifications of convictions that can and cannot be considered within their state.  Join us for a productive discussion on how these localized initiatives geared at providing convicted criminals with opportunities to find affordable housing following incarceration or rehabilitation are now dictating the allowable parameters for criminal screening practices at HUD communities.