Tuesday, November 19th

 For many, focus for well over a year has been on gearing up for HOTMA implementation. With the full implementation effective date looming it is easy to get tunnel vision, to lose sight of the many other pressing issues and challenges that co-exist with HOTMA as critical to your success and the success of your housing communities. This full-day training, applicable to all programs and provided by AJ Johnson (AJ Johnson Consulting Services), will expand your focus to many of the other HOT TOPICS and challenges that deserve your attention and will equip you with the knowledge to succeed. 
8:30 – 9:15a.m. 
Introductory/Welcome Remarks

Keynote Address: Embrace Uncommon Sense:  Boost Workplace Engagement and Wellbeing

9:15 – 10:45a.m. 
Successful Management of Affordable Properties - Tips and Best Practices
  • Management Plans
  • Property Policies
  • Standards of Behavior
  • Fraud Detection & Prevention
11:00a.m. – 12:30p.m.
Hot Topics That Aren't HOTMA - Part I
  • Assistance Animals
  • Medical Marijuana
  • Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)
  • Handling the Death of a Resident
12:30 – 1:30p.m.
Lunch – Provided
1:45 – 3:15p.m.
Hot Topics That Aren't HOTMA - Part II
  • Residents Rights Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act
  • Proper Handling of Rents/Fees (LIHTC)
  • Sexual Harassment
3:15p.m. -3:30p.m.
3:30p.m. – 5:00p.m.
Hot Topics That Aren't HOTMA - Part III
Fair Housing and Artificial Intelligence (AI)


Wednesday, November 20th

Sessions are organized in four separate tracks. Attendees select one session from each time-slot to attend. 
Join us for breakfast, lunch, and the Vendor Exhibition/Reception in the James River Ballroom.


Track A
General Interest Track
Track B
HUD Track
Special Interest Track
Understanding Your
Conflict Resolution Style
Jason Boron
Understanding HOTMA's Impact on
LIHTC Income Determination
AJ Johnson
EIV in the New HOTMA Environment
Jenny DeSilva
The Touring Trifecta (with some marketing thrown in)
Lori Trosien
10:45 – 11:00a.m. Break
60 Marketing/Leasing/Retention
Ideas in 90 Minutes
Lisa Trosein
Understanding HOTMA's Impact on Dealing with Assets in LIHTC Projects
AJ Johnson
HOTMA-centric MORS
Jenny DeSilva
Understanding Human Trafficking
Patricia Danner, Tanya Gould, Shamere McKenzie
12:30-1:45p.m. Lunch
Virginia Housing Compliance & Asset Mgmt Regulatory Updates & Helpful Compliance Tips
Current Hot Topics in the LIHTC World
AJ Johnson
TRACS-The Required Ingredient for HOTMA Implementation
Jenny DeSilva
Using Creativity in Your Leadership Style
Dr. Dori Bryan-Ployer
3:15-3:30p.m. Break
Self-Compassion, Empathy and Grace:
Arming You for Career Success
Dr. Dori Bryan-Ployer
Issues Relating to Layered/Mixed
Income Properties
AJ Johnson
Communicating with Residents Regarding HOTMA
Jenny DeSilva
Cyber Awareness: Building Your Cyber Defense Kit
Angelique "Q" Napoleon
5:00-7:00p.m. Vendor Exhibition & Reception
Wednesday, November 20th
Afternoon Maintenance Workshop

(Track E - Requires separate registration/payment)

Seating is limited in each session/available on first arrive & seated basis
(Registration 1:00-1:30; Sessions start at 1:30p.m.)
HVAC Session will be repeated at 1:30 and 3:15pm
Lunch is not provided; Join us for the Vendor Exhibition 5-7p.m.
Anna (50)
Chesterfield (50)
New River (50)
1:30- 3:00pm
Time Management for Maintenance
Scott Ployer
HVAC Workshop
This topic will be presented at 1:30-3pm and repeated at 3:15-5:00pm
to maximize attendees
Topic TBD
Effective Preventative & Predictive
Maintenance Planning
Scott Ployer
Topic TBD
Thursday, November 21st
Concurrent  Sessions  (James River Ballroom)
James River Ballroom
James River Ballroom
8:30a.m. – 10:00a.m.
Emergency Action Planning & Crisis Management
Scott Ployer
HOTMA Hot Topics
Jenny DeSilva



Proposed Changes to Criminal Screening Initiatives

Jenny DeSilva



NSPIRE After Year One!

Dan Gould/The Inspection Group