Now in its 29th year, the Annual Mid-Atlantic AHMA Affordable Multi-Family Rental Housing Conference, known simply as “THE Fall Conference,” is the only conference in the Mid-Atlantic area that focuses exclusively on issues of concern to those responsible for managing and maintaining affordable multi-family rental housing communities. This year’s Fall Conference, like its predecessors, will focus on critical issues to our members' success, shed light and clarity on complex new regulations and prepare them to excel in 2025. We invite you to support our mission and our members by becoming a sponsor of this year's conference which will be held on November 19-21, 2024, at the Doubletree Hotel/Midlothian-Richmond (1021 Koger Center Boulevard, Richmond, VA).

Please contact Terry Rice, MA-AHMA Executive Director, at or
804-564-7898 with requests or questions.


Platinum Sponsor - $10,000

  • Your company pop-up banner/sign (provided by you) displayed in the registration area throughout the conference (if easily moved, we will move it to ensure it is always present in high-traffic areas)

  • Verbal recognition of your sponsorship at multiple points throughout the conference

  • Recognition as “platinum sponsor” on the conference webpage, website home page, MA-AHMA Facebook page and each e-news August - December

  • A complimentary corner exhibitor space/table at the Vendor Exhibition and 6 badges for attendance of the Exhibition

  • Two complimentary conference registrations

  • Your give-away item distributed at registration (provided by you).

Gold Sponsor - $7,500

  • Verbal recognition of your sponsorship at multiple points throughout the conference

  • Your company pop-up banner/sign (provided by you) displayed in registration area.

  • Recognition as “gold sponsor” on the conference webpage and home page and FB page

  • Complimentary exhibitor table at the Vendor Exhibition

  • Two complimentary conference registrations

  • Your give-away item distributed at registration.

Silver/Registration Bag Sponsor - $5,500

  • Verbal recognition of your sponsorship

  • Recognition of your sponsorship on the conference webpage, website home page and Facebook page

  • One complimentary conference registration or complimentary exhibitor table

  • Have your logo on 800 bags* (provided by you) distributed to all attendees onsite at registration.

Badge Lanyard Sponsor - $4,500

  • Recognition of your sponsorship on the conference webpage, website home page and Facebook page

  • Place your logo and message on 800 lanyards* (provided by you) distributed to all attendees onsite.

Contributing Sponsor - $2,500

  • Recognition of your sponsorship on the conference webpage, website home page and Facebook page

  • Your give-away item distributed at registration.

Vendor Participant - $500-$550

Please utilize the online booth reservation portal at for this option

  • Booth at the Vendor Exhibition

  • Your company name and/or logo listed on our website as a vendor participant.       


*800 is for planning purposes; actual number needed may vary. Any extra items will be retained by MA-AHMA for use during future in-person training events. Please forward your logo as a jpg or png file for our use in promoting your sponsorship. Pop-up banners, registration bags, lanyards and give-away items should be shipped to the MA-AHMA address provided below to arrive between November 1-10, 2023. We will transport to the conference hotel; on-site exhibitors may pick-up the pop-up banner after the vendor exhibition or we will arrange return shipping with your provided pre-paid shipping label.



Return the sponsorship commitment form to: and follow-up with check payment to

“Mid-Atlantic AHMA” mailed to Mid-Atlantic AHMA 909 Westham Pkwy, Richmond, VA 23229.  Or submit your payment via credit card utilizing our payment link:   


Don’t see a sponsorship opportunity you like? Contact us and let’s talk!