Interviewing Skills for Affordable Housing Managers
Event Description
One of the most critical skills any affordable housing manager can possess is the ability to interview applicants and residents and obtain the information required to determine eligibility – this is also one of the most significant weaknesses of most affordable housing managers. This training has been developed to address that weakness. This three-hour session focuses on the interview process and provides concepts and tools to aid managers in conducting their interviews. Techniques apply to all interview settings, including initial eligibility interviews, interim certifications, and annual recertifications. The initial eligibility interview is primarily emphasized since it is critical to the housing process. The skills taught during this session will also assist managers in detecting fraud and dealing with third parties when resolving discrepancies.
Registration/Payment/Cancellation Deadline: March 6th. We will continue accept registrations with credit card payment/no refund-transfer-credit option until March 11th.
Ticket Cost: $125.00 - $160.00
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