Tenant-on-Tenant Harassment & Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Event Description

Dealing with tenant-on-tenant harassment is an evolving area of fair housing law. Landlords are generally familiar with how their actions can be construed as discriminatory. But how should they react when one resident violates another's fair housing rights?
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on sex in the workplace – including sexual harassment. The law applies to employers with 15 or more employees. In addition to having a written sexual harassment policy, companies should also have an effective complaint procedure.
Many businesses in the United States have no policies regarding sexual harassment, and such harassment occurs in the highest levels of corporate management. However, the risk of not having such a policy far outweighs the effort required to implement one.
These risks are more significant now than ever before. Victims of sexual harassment may now recover damages (including punitive damages), and the Supreme Court has made it easier to prove injury.
This two-hour training is designed to help property owners and managers understand the current legal state of these two issues and establish policies to limit potential liability. The session will include a discussion of the most relevant court cases relating to tenant-on-tenant harassment and cases that outline employer risk regarding harassment in the workplace. Participants will also be provided with recommended policies to limit potential liability.

Registration/Payment/Cancellation Deadline: February 11. We will continue to accept registrations with credit card payment/no refund-transfer-credit option until February 16th.

Ticket Cost: $85.00 - $85.00

Tenant-on-Tenant & Sexual Harassment (Feb 18) $85/Member or Non-Member

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