Intermediate LIHTC (12-9-25)
Event Description
Designed for more experienced managers, supervisory personnel, investment asset managers, and compliance specialists, this 5-hour program expands on the information covered in the Basics of Tax Credit Site Management. A more in-depth discussion of income verification issues is included as well as a discussion of minimum set-aside issues (including the Average Income Minimum Set-Aside), optional fees and use of common areas. The Available Unit Rule is covered in great detail, as are the requirements for units occupied by students. Attendees will also learn the requirements relating to setting rents at a tax credit property. This course contains some practice problems but is more discussion oriented than the Basic course.
A battery-operated calculator is required for this course (cell phone calculators are acceptable for the class only; a battery-operated calculator is required when taking the exam).
Critical Elements of LIHTC Compliance/Intermediate LIHTC –
Agenda Outline
Part I
- History/Background of the LIHTC Program
- Role of the Housing Finance Agencies
- Primary Requirements of Site Management
- Setting the Rents
- Understanding the Minimum Set-Aside
- Extended Use Agreements
- Determining & Verifying Income
- Dealing with Assets on a LIHTC Property
- Student Issues
- Recertifications
- Resident Transfers
- Available Unit Rule
Registration/Payment/Cancellation Deadline: December 2, 2025
After this date, no refunds or invoice forgiveness. We will continue to accept registrations with credit card payment only until 12-7-25 but no refunds/transfers/credits for registrations placed after 12/2/25.
Ticket Cost: $200.00 - $270.00
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