Self-Auditing Tax Credit Files (2-6-25)
Event Description
What is a "self-audit" and when should management do one? And how does the manager correct non-compliance if they find it? This webinar will highlight the issues monitoring agencies zero in on -- incomplete applications, delinquent recertifications, insufficient documentation, income calculation errors, contradictions within a verification, underestimating anticipated income,
late verifications and missing or late signatures. Participants will have a chance to try out their auditing skills.
Instructor: Gwen Volk (GWEN VOLK INFOCUS INC.)
Gwen maintains an extensive network of affordable housing experts and regulators and stays on top of the issues and changes that affect the industry through her active participation in NAHMA and as a member of IREM's Federal Housing Advisory Board. With a BA in English and Education and MS in Business Management and over 30 years of experience in the affordable housing industry as an owner/agent, chief compliance officer, consultant and trainer, Gwen Volk has the knowledge, passion, and commitment to serve the needs of the organizations, agencies, and individuals who make affordable housing a reality. She maintains the following credentials:
- Certified Property Manager (CPM ®)
- National Affordable Housing Professional ? Executive Level (NAHP-E ®)
- Specialist in Housing Credit Management (SHCM ®)
- Housing Credit Certified Professional (HCCP)
- Registered in Apartment Management (RAM ®)
- Certified Professional of Occupancy (CPO™)
- Fair Housing Compliance (FHC™)
(NOTE: After this date, we will continue to accept registrations until February 4 with credit card payment; no refunds/transfers/credits for registrations placed after 1/30/25.)
**When registering for webinars, please provide an individual email address for each person registered (not a central/admin email address) as webinar credentials/links should be sent directly to the student/participant.
Ticket Cost: $85.00 - $85.00
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